Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Brother

The term brother refers to everyone, for in Truth there is only one. Jesus is your brother, as is aunt Clara and baby Mary.
It is through your true perception of your brother that you learn of God.
Your gratitude to your brother is the only gift I want. I [Jesus] will bring it to God for you, knowing that to know your brother is to know God. If you are grateful to your brother, you are grateful to God for what He created. Through your gratitude you come to know your brother, and one moment of real recognition makes everyone your brother because each of them is of your Father.    T-4.VI.7:2-5.
Every brother you meet becomes a witness for Christ or for the ego, depending on what you perceive in him. Everyone convinces you of what you want to perceive, and of the reality of the kingdom you have chosen for your vigilance. Everything you perceive is a witness to the thought system you want to be true. Every brother has the power to release you, if you choose to be free. You cannot accept false witness of him unless you have evoked false witnesses against him. If he speaks not of Christ to you, you spoke not of Christ to him. You hear but your own voice, and if Christ speaks through you, you will hear Him.    T-11.V.18.
... you must see your brother as yourself. Framed in his body you will see your sinfulness, wherein you stand condemned. Set in his holiness, the Christ in him proclaims Himself as you.    T-25.I.2:7-9.

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