Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Magic

Magic is the ego's attempt at proving its connection with spirit; and to explain, and thereby control, miracles. A Course in Miracles responds the you, having been created whole and complete, have no need for what magic offers.
The ego's ceaseless attempts to gain the spirit's acknowledgment and thus establish its own existence are useless. Spirit in its knowledge is unaware of the ego. It does not attack it; it merely cannot conceive of it at all. While the ego is equally unaware of spirit, it does perceive itself as being rejected by something greater than itself. T-4.II.8:5-8. 
All magic is an attempt at reconciling the irreconcilable. All religion is the recognition that the irreconcilable cannot be reconciled. T-10.IV.1:1,2.
Miracles bear witness to truth. They are convincing because they arise from conviction. Without conviction they deteriorate into magic, which is mindless and therefore destructive; or rather, the uncreative use of mind.     T-1.I.14.     (Principles of Miracles) 
The avoidance of magic is the avoidance of temptation. For all temptation is nothing more than the attempt to substitute another will for God's. These attempts may indeed seem frightening, but they are merely pathetic. They can have no effects; neither good nor bad, neither rewarding nor demanding sacrifice, healing nor destructive, quieting nor fearful. When all magic is recognized as merely nothing, the teacher of God has reached the most advanced state. … For magic of any kind, in all its forms, simply does nothing. Its powerlessness is the reason it can be so easily escaped. What has no effects can hardly terrify.    M-16.91-5,7-9.

This is from a question in the Manual For Teachers - HOW DO GOD'S TEACHERS DEAL WITH MAGIC THOUGHTS?: 
How to deal with magic thus becomes a major lesson for the teacher of God to master. His first responsibility in this is not to attack it. If a magic thought arouses anger in any form, God's teacher can be sure that he is strengthening his own belief in sin and has condemned himself. ...
Anger in response to perceived magic thoughts is a basic cause of fear. ... A magic thought, by its mere presence, acknowledges a separation from God                   M-17.1:4-6/5:1,3.

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