Friday, September 27, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Harmlessness

 The reality of everything is totally harmless, because total harmlessness is the condition of its reality. It is also the condition of your awareness of its reality.              T-8.IX.2:2,3.
Harm is impossible for God's teachers. They can neither harm nor be harmed. Harm is the outcome of judgment. It is the dishonest act that follows a dishonest thought. It is a verdict of guilt upon a brother, and therefore on oneself. … Nor can God's Teacher be heard at all, except by those who realize that harm can actually achieve nothing. No gain can come of it.Therefore, God's teachers are wholly gentle. They need the strength of gentleness, … .M-4.IV.1:1-5,11,12/2:1,2. (from What are the characteristics of God's Teacher's:IV - Gentleness) 
Yet whether or not you recognize it now, you have agreed to cooperate in the effort to become both harmless and helpful, attributes that must go together. T-4.II.5:5 .

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