Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Will

 Free will is the idea of having needs that conflict with the will of other people, and even God. When the idea of differences is removed, then the belief that we would ever want anything that doesn't benefit the whole and is in total accord with God's Will is seen as false.
   Within Truth, we have no needs.
... rebirth is impossible as long as you continue to project or miscreate. It still remains within you, however, to extend as God extended His Spirit to you. In reality this is your only choice, because your free will was given you for your joy in creating the perfect.              T-2.I.3:8-10.
Your function is to add to God's treasure by creating yours. His Will to you is His Will for you. … You cannot find joy except as God does. ... Creation is the Will of God. His Will created you to create. Your will was not created separate from His, and so you must will as He wills.        T-8.VI.6:12,4,8-10.
To say, "Of myself I can do nothing" is to gain all power. And yet it is but a seeming paradox. As God created you, you have all power. M-29.4.
You are afraid of God's Will because you have used your own mind, which He created in the likeness of His Own, to miscreate. The mind can miscreate only when it believes it is not free. ...  To be one is to be of one mind or will. When the Will of the Sonship and the Father are One, their perfect accord is Heaven.              T-3.II.4:1,2,5,6.
The ego cannot teach you anything as long as your will is free, because you will not listen to it. It is not your will to be imprisoned because your will is free. That is why the ego is the denial of free will.  T-8.II.3:1-3.

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