Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Course in Miracle Topic: Seek

   Truth is unrecognized because the ego sees awakening to Truth as the end of its existence. The ego has thus spent your lifetime trying to prevent you from seeing it - this is your conditioning
  The ego, however, being wary of you wanting to have greater peace and satisfaction, "helps" you seek, thus guaranteeing that you will never find. 

[This is about searching for love, which is another variation of searching for Truth.]
The search the ego undertakes is therefore bound to be defeated. And since it also teaches that it is your identification, its guidance leads you to a journey which must end in perceived self-defeat. For the ego cannot love, and in its frantic search for love it is seeking what it is afraid to find. ... It is surely obvious that no one wants to find what would utterly defeat him. Being unable to love, the ego would be totally inadequate in love's presence, for it could not respond at all. ... The ego will therefore distort love, and teach you that love really calls forth the responses the ego can teach. Follow its teaching, then, and you will search for love, but will not recognize it.       T-12.IV.2:1-3/3:1,2,4,5.
… the ego's rule is, "Seek and do not find." … "Try to learn but do not succeed." The result of this curriculum goal is obvious. Every legitimate teaching aid, every real instruction, and every sensible guide to learning will be misinterpreted, since they are all for facilitating the learning this strange curriculum is against. If you are trying to learn how not to learn, and the aim of your teaching is to defeat itself, what can you expect but confusion?   T-12.V.7:1-5.

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