Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Miracles

  Miracles involve a shift from a belief in the rules of illusion to an greater understanding of the laws of Reality. 

Reality is changeless. Miracles but show what you have interposed between reality and your awareness is unreal, and does not interfere at all. ... There is no miracle you cannot have when you desire healing. But there is no miracle that can be given you unless you want it.               T-30.VIII.4:1,5,6.
Miracles arise from a mind that is ready for them. By being united this mind goes out to everyone, even without the awareness of the miracle worker himself. The impersonal nature of miracles is because the Atonement itself is one, uniting all creations with their Creator. As an expression of what you truly are, the miracle places the mind in a state of grace.                         T-1.III.7:1-4.
The miracle sets reality where it belongs. Reality belongs only to spirit, and the miracle acknowledges only truth. It thus dispels illusions about yourself, and puts you in communion with yourself and God. The miracle joins in the Atonement by placing the mind in the service of the Holy Spirit. This establishes the proper function of the mind and corrects its errors, which are merely lacks of love.       T.1.IV.2:3-7.

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