Friday, September 6, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Lack

   There is no lack in Reality, nothing that needs protecting. 
   Conventional reality is the world of form, and forms by definition change in time. 
  There can be no lack in spirit, and no wholeness in form. 
While lack does not exist in the creation of God, it is very apparent in what you have made. It is, in fact, the essential difference between them. Lack implies that you would be better off in a state somehow different from the one you are in. Until the "separation," which is the meaning of the "fall," nothing was lacking. There were no needs at all. Needs arise only when you deprive yourself. You act according to the particular order of needs you establish. This, in turn, depends on your perception of what you are.              T-1.VI.1:3-10.
A major contribution of miracles is their strength in releasing you from your false sense of isolation, deprivation and lack.    T-1.I.4:2.
Only those who have a real and lasting sense of abundance can be truly charitable. This is obvious when you consider what is involved. To the ego, to give anything implies that you will have to do without it. When you associate giving with sacrifice, you give only because you believe that you are somehow getting something better, and can therefore do without the thing you give. "Giving to get" is an inescapable law of the ego, which always evaluates itself in relation to other egos. It is therefore continually preoccupied with the belief in scarcity that gave rise to it.      T-4.II.6:1-6.

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