Friday, September 27, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Special Hate Relationship

The special hate relationship is the ego's attempt at claiming innocence for itself, by directing anger at the other as unworthy of Love.

Be not afraid to look upon the special hate relationship, for freedom lies in looking at it. It would be impossible not to know the meaning of love, except for this. For the special love relationship, in which the meaning of love is hidden, is undertaken solely to offset the hate, but not to let it go. … You cannot limit hate. The special love relationship will not offset it, but will merely drive it underground and out of sight. It is essential to bring it into sight, and to make no attempt to hide it. For it is the attempt to balance hate with love that makes love meaningless to you.                              T-16.IV.1:1-3,5-8.
All special relationships have sin as their goal. For they are bargains with reality, toward which the seeming union is adjusted. Forget not this; to bargain is to set a limit, and any brother with whom you have a limited relationship, you hate.            T-21.III.1:1-3. 
Within yourself you love your brother with a perfect love.                 T-18.I.9:3. 

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