Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Love

    In the world, love is reserved for special things as a way of separating what we like, from what is unwanted. 
   Within Reality, Love is the experience of connection, and since everything is connected, everything is Love.
You cannot enter into real relationships with any of God's Sons unless you love them all and equally. Love is not special. If you single out part of the Sonship for your love, you are imposing guilt on all your relationships and making them unreal. You can love only as God loves. Seek not to love unlike Him, for there is no love apart from His. Until you recognize that this is true, you will have no idea what love is like.            T-13.X.11:1-6.
The only judgment involved is the Holy Spirit's one division into two categories; one of love, and the other the call for love. You cannot safely make this division, for you are much too confused either to recognize love, or to believe that everything else is nothing but a call for love.                T-14.X.7:1,2.
The attraction of guilt produces fear of love, for love would never look on guilt at all. It is the nature of love to look upon only the truth, for there it sees itself, with which it would unite in holy union and completion. ... Love is attracted only to love.     T-19.IV.A.10:1-3,5.

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