Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - God

  This course remains within the ego framework, where it is needed. It is not concerned with what is beyond all error because it is planned only to set the direction towards it. Therefore it uses words, which are symbolic, and cannot express what lies beyond symbols.             C-in.3:1-3.

Everything God created is like Him. Extension, as undertaken by God, is similar to the inner radiance that the children of the Father inherit from Him. Its real source is internal. This is as true of the Son as of the Father. ... This requires God's endowment of the Son with free will, because all loving creation is freely given in one continuous line, in which all aspects are of the same order.   T-2.I.2:3-6,8.

Only what God creates is irreversible and unchangeable. What you made can always be changed because, when you do not think like God, you are not really thinking at all. ... The function of thought comes from God and is in God. As part of His Thought, you cannot think apart from Him.                             T-5.V.6:11,12,15,16.

The Oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power. This limitless power is God's gift to you, because it is what you are.   T-17.VI.10:4,5.

God has but one Son, knowing them all as One. Only God Himself is more than they but they are not less than He is.               T-9.VI.3:5,6.

God's laws will keep your mind at peace because peace is His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom,...The laws of God work only for your good, and there are no other laws beside His. Everything else is merely lawless and therefore chaotic.    T-10.IV.4:1,2,4,5.

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