Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Patience

[From Manual for Teachers- What Are The Characteristics of God's Teachers, #VIII.] Patience: Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety. Patience is natural to the teacher of God. All he sees is certain outcome, at a time perhaps unknown to him as yet, but not in doubt. The time will be as right as is the answer. ... Patience is natural to those who trust. Sure of the ultimate interpretation of all things in time, no outcome already seen or yet to come can cause them fear.                   M-4.VIII.1:1-4,9,10.
Your patience with your brother is your patience with yourself. Is not a child of God worth patience?                    T-5.VI.11:4,5.
Now you must learn that only infinite patience produces immediate effects. This is the way in which time is exchanged for eternity. Infinite patience calls upon infinite love, and by producing results now it renders time unnecessary.                          T-5.VI.5:1-3.
One Teacher is in all minds and He teaches the same lesson to all. He always teaches you the inestimable worth of every Son of God, teaching it with infinite patience born of the infinite Love for which He speaks. Every attack is a call for His patience, since His patience can translate attack into blessing.                    T-VII.7:2-4.

Faith in the eternal is always justified, for the eternal is forever kind, infinite in its patience and wholly loving. It will accept you wholly, and give you peace. Yet it can unite only with what already is at peace in you, immortal as itself.       T-19.IV.B.10:1-3.

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