Friday, October 4, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Faith

Truth calls for faith, and faith makes room for truth.    T-17.VII.9:4.
     Faith is like going down a ladder and trusting that the next step will hold you. Until you actually stand on it, you don't really know, and yet you can't get anywhere without trusting.         Faith is what allows the trust to be confirmed.

faith can be rewarded only in terms of the belief in which the faith was placed. Faith makes the power of belief, and where it is invested determines its reward. For faith is always given what is treasured, and what is treasured is returned to you.The world can give you only what you gave it, for being nothing but your own projection, it has no meaning apart from what you found in it and placed your faith in. Be faithful unto darkness and you will not see, because your faith will be rewarded as you gave it. You will accept your treasure ... Whatever you hold dear you think is yours. The power of your valuing will make it so.                   T-13.IX.2:4-6/3:1-5.
Have faith in only this one thing, and it will be sufficient: God wills you be in Heaven, and nothing can keep you from it, or it from you.   T-13.XI.7:1.
He asks for faith a little longer, even in bewilderment. For this will go, and you will see the justification for your faith emerge, to bring you shining conviction.                                    T-17.V.7.11,12.
Let truth be what it is. Do not intrude upon it, do not attack it, do not interrupt its coming. Let it encompass every situation and bring you peace. Not even faith is asked of you, for truth asks nothing. Let it enter, and it will call forth and secure for you the faith you need for peace. But rise you not against it, for against your opposition it cannot come.... What has been demonstrated has called for faith, and has been given it. ... The strain of refusing faith to truth is enormous, and far greater than you realize. But to answer truth with faith entails no strain at all.   T-17.VIII.2:2-7/3:5,7,8.

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