Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Course in Miracles Metaphor - Mirror

  The mirror represents what we see the in the world as being a reflection of our inner state.  
   A mirror is totally impartial - it does not judge what appears in it. It does not present Reality, as Reality has no image, but it does reflect a state of mind.
Your picture of the world can only mirror what is within. The source of neither light nor darkness can be found without. Grievances darken your mind, and you look out on a darkened world. Forgiveness lifts the darkness, reasserts your will, and lets you look upon a world of light.    W-73.5:1-4.
Teach no one that he is what you would not want to be. Your brother is the mirror in which you see the image of yourself as long as perception lasts. And perception will last until the Sonship knows itself as whole. You made perception and it must last as long as you want it.                    T-7.VII.3:8-11.
In this world you can become a spotless mirror, in which the Holiness of your Creator shines forth from you to all around you. You can reflect Heaven here. ... Earth can reflect Heaven or hell; God or the ego. You need but leave the mirror clean and clear of all the images of hidden darkness you have drawn upon it. God will shine upon it of Himself.   ... The reflection of God needs no interpretation. It is clear. Clean but the mirror, and the message that shines forth from what the mirror holds out for everyone to see, no one can fail to understand.                 T.14.IX.5:1,2,4-6/6:3-5.

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