Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic- Body

The body is a thought made manifest, and thus does not do anything on its own, only doing what mind tells it. 
Freedom must be impossible as long as you perceive a body as yourself. The body is a limit. Who would seek for freedom in a body looks for it where it can not be found. The mind can be made free when it no longer sees itself as in a body, firmly tied to it and sheltered by its presence.                    W-199.1:1-4. (Lesson #19- "I am not a body I am free.")
The body is the ego's home by its own election.  It is the only identification with which the ego feels safe, since the body's vulnerability is its own best argument that you cannot be of God.      T-4.V.4:1,2.  (see also: WB Lesson 201: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.”) 
The body is merely part of your experience in the physical world. Its abilities can be and frequently are over evaluated.   T-2.IV.3:8,9.
 The body is endangered by the mind that hurts itself. The body suffers just in order that the mind will fail to see it is the victim of itself. The body's suffering is a mask the mind holds up to hide what really suffers.      W-76.5.
Learning must lead beyond the body to the re-establishment of the power of the mind in it.                     T-8.VII.12:6.

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - No Order of Difficulty

   The concept of no order of difficulties becomes easier to understand without the limits of time and space.
There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not "harder" or "bigger" than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.         T-1.I.1,1-3. (Principles of Miracles)
   Within conventional reality:
The belief in order of difficulties is the basis for the world's perception. It rests on differences … M-8.1,1,2.
The body's eyes will continue to see differences. But the mind that has let itself be healed will no longer acknowledge them. ... understanding that only two categories are meaningful in sorting out the messages the mind receives from what appears to be the outside world. And of these two, but one is real. Just as reality is wholly real, apart from size and shape and time and place–for differences cannot exist within it–so too are illusions without distinctions. ... The one answer to all illusions is truth.         M-8.6,1,2,5-7,9.

A Course in Miracles Topic - Protection

 Protection is a favorite ego device to proclaim that God's Love is not real. Every reaction to a "threat " makes it real in your mind, and denies Truth.
 Light cannot enter darkness when a mind believes in darkness, and will not let it go. Truth does not struggle against ignorance, and love does not attack fear. What needs no protection does not defend itself. Defense is of your making. God knows it not.      T-14.VII.5:1-5.
Forget not, when you feel the need arise to be defensive about anything, you have identified yourself with an illusion. And therefore feel that you are weak because you are alone. This is the cost of all illusions. Not one but rests on the belief that you are separate.                          T-22.V.6:1-4.
Because their hearts are pure, the innocent defend true perception instead of defending themselves against it. Understanding the lesson of the Atonement they are without the wish to attack, and therefore they see truly.         T-3.II.5:8,9. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Joy

  Joy is the experience of Truth.

 The light that belongs to you is the light of joy. Radiance is not associated with sorrow. Joy calls forth an integrated willingness to share it, and promotes the mind's natural impulse to respond as one.    T-5.in.1:4-6.
You do not know your joy because you do not know your own Self-fullness. Exclude any part of the Kingdom from yourself and you are not whole. A split mind cannot perceive its fullness, and needs the miracle of its wholeness to dawn upon it and heal it.     T-7.IX.4:2-4.
Truth is the opposite of illusions because it offers joy. What else but joy could be the opposite of misery?... The search for joy in misery is senseless, ...All that is possible in the dark world of misery is to select some aspects out of it, see them as different, and define the difference as joy.
    Joy is eternal. You can be sure indeed that any seeming happiness that does not last is really fear. Joy does not turn to sorrow, for the eternal cannot change.  T-22.II.2:1,5,6/3:4-6.
[from a question in A Manual for Teachers: HOW SHOULD A TEACHER OF GOD SPEND HIS DAY.]There is one thought in particular that should be remembered throughout the day. It is a thought of pure joy; a thought of peace, a thought of limitless release, limitless because all things are freed within it. M-16.6:1,2.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Course in Miracles Topic - Quiet

The willingness to be quiet is a sign of an openness to receive.

You do not have to seek reality. It will seek you and find you when you meet its conditions.          T-8.IX.2:4,5. 
Learn to be quiet, for His Voice is heard in stillness.      M-15.2:12. 
The Voice for God is always quiet, because It speaks of peace.    T-5.II.7:7.
Learn to be quiet in the midst of turmoil, for quietness is the end of strife and this is the journey to peace.                T-12.II.5:5.
truth extends inward, where the idea of loss is meaningless and only increase is conceivable. Do you really think it strange that a world in which everything is backwards and upside down arose from this projection of error? It was inevitable. For truth brought to this could only remain within in quiet, and take no part in all the mad projection by which this world was made.                T-18.I.6:3-6.
The quiet light in which the Holy Spirit dwells within you is merely perfect openness, in which nothing is hidden and therefore nothing is fearful.    T-14.VI.2:1.

A Course in Miracles Topic - Enlightenment

   Trying to be aware of Truth, which is what you are, makes sense only to the deluded. Yet the person who believes himself to imprisoned needs help understanding that the door is open.
If they ask for enlightenment and accept it, their fears vanish.                      T-12.II.4:2.
If you want understanding and enlightenment you will learn it, because your decision to learn it is the decision to listen to the Teacher Who knows of light, and can therefore teach it to you. There is no limit on your learning because there is no limit on your mind. There is no limit on His teaching because He was created to teach. Understanding His function perfectly He fulfills it perfectly, because that is His joy and yours. T-8.III.1:4-7.
Why wait for Heaven? Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes. The light is in them now. Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all. W-188.1:1-4.

A Course in Miracles Topic - Effort

 A Course in Miracles is an actual course of study.  It uses a structured program to gently lead us to a willingness to fulfill the conditions of Truth and thus awaken. 

 You have exerted great effort to preserve what you made because it was not true. Therefore, you must now turn your effort against it. Only this can cancel out the need for effort. .. .       T-6.V.C.10:5,6.
The Holy Spirit teaches you to use what the ego has made, to teach the opposite of what the ego has "learned." The kind of learning is as irrelevant as is the particular ability that was applied to the learning. All you need do is make the effort to learn, for the Holy Spirit has a unified goal for the effort.     T-7.IV.3:3-5. 
The children of God are entitled to the perfect comfort that comes from perfect trust. ... the real means are already provided, and do not involve any effort at all on their part.   T-2.III.5:1,3.